Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Meeting #2

Tonight, Jonny and I meet with our 3 LDS friends who are serving their Mormon mission in our community. During the first official meeting, we discussed the Restoration which is basically all about a great apostasy post-apostles dying, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon (which I will refer to as the BOM). Our first discussion was over in a blink of an eye, so I invited the girls to come back over and recap their lesson and allow me to ask questions - real questions.

I still think even after tonight's conversation, the girls think I'm pre-Mormon and it's just a matter of time before I convert. I think part of me feels "bummed" because I'm not meeting with them out of desire to change my faith, but rather to share truth according to the Bible and the Holy Spirit of the Bible. In my disappointment, I am still trying to be hopeful by relying on the Holy Spirit - that He is greater than me and is able to bring the increase to seeds I tried to plant.

After a very rough start because I couldn't find my passage reference, I finally brought the girls to Ezekiel 47 and then to John 2 and Jon 7. To sum everything up, I tried to show them my understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit in a Christians life, and the fulfillment Jesus had of the Temple (implying that we don't need one anymore) and ultimately the promise of the Holy Spirit in our life.

Here are a few areas we agree to disagree in:

  • They don't believe in the Trinity - that the Holy Spirit is fully God. Father, Son and HS are same in purpose, but that's about it. How do I have a conversation with them if we don't even have common ground on who God is?
  • As of right now, they still see a need for prophets and apostles because Ephesian 4:11-14. As an evangelical Christian, what is your response to their use of this passage?
I was able to express why we have so many different translations of the Bible. To put it simply, over time, people and culture change which implies that the words of the Bible need to be "updated" to match the new language of that culture. I'm not talking about the content of the scripture, but simply the choice of words.

I think that might be all I can remember for now. I would really appreciate your feedback friends... And your prayers!


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