Monday, August 23, 2010

Jack and Milli Parker

Have you ever wondered what Jon and my kids will look like? If I'm honest, this is probably the biggest reason I have to get pregnant one day. I can't wait to see what their faces will look like, the color eyes they will have, not to mention how soon they will go gray (young if they take after daddy, old if they take after mommy). I logged into my email about a week ago and I had a message from that was willing to answer that question for me and hopefully put my curiousity to rest.
Here are the pictures of Jonny and myself that I added online into this cyber kid creater/viewer:

Jonny Parker - May 29, 2009 (Very handsome!)

Kim Parker - May 29, 2009 (Not bad)

Now this is where it gets ugly. No pun intended...

The nest takes the photos of the lovely couple and combines our features into a child. Here is our baby Jack and Milli:

If this is a sign for things to come, I will take it upon myself - for the sake of the world - to NOT reproduce.

Better yet, let's let God be the ultimate creator and not the Internet. My faith is in Him to make a masterpiece (rather than just a "piece" like


Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Couches

Jonny and I just received our new couches this week. You might wonder why we bought new ones when our last one was practically brand new. Well... The reason is because that couch was harder than a rock!

We went to Matthes Brothers with the Fahey's a few weekends ago and walked through the entire store and eventually came back to this couch that we didn't even see when we had first walked in. SUPER comfy, but not our style or color. Some how we still decided to buy it and I am so glad we did. Still not my "typical" color choice, but I think that's okay. As long as it matches everything else in our room, I guess it doesn't matter, right?

Picture of the new couches

Now this is where we need you! We went to Ikea tonight to purchase some pillows for our new couch and we weren't sure which color scheme to move towards. Keeping the curtains we already have, we came across the following pillows and think they look okay. What are you thoughts? Also, if you scroll back up to the first photo, do you agree that we should have the dark brown drape in the front and the light one in the back (as seen in the second picture)?

Picture of the new pillows


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Smarty Pig Savings

Meeting #2

Tonight, Jonny and I meet with our 3 LDS friends who are serving their Mormon mission in our community. During the first official meeting, we discussed the Restoration which is basically all about a great apostasy post-apostles dying, Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon (which I will refer to as the BOM). Our first discussion was over in a blink of an eye, so I invited the girls to come back over and recap their lesson and allow me to ask questions - real questions.

I still think even after tonight's conversation, the girls think I'm pre-Mormon and it's just a matter of time before I convert. I think part of me feels "bummed" because I'm not meeting with them out of desire to change my faith, but rather to share truth according to the Bible and the Holy Spirit of the Bible. In my disappointment, I am still trying to be hopeful by relying on the Holy Spirit - that He is greater than me and is able to bring the increase to seeds I tried to plant.

After a very rough start because I couldn't find my passage reference, I finally brought the girls to Ezekiel 47 and then to John 2 and Jon 7. To sum everything up, I tried to show them my understanding of the power of the Holy Spirit in a Christians life, and the fulfillment Jesus had of the Temple (implying that we don't need one anymore) and ultimately the promise of the Holy Spirit in our life.

Here are a few areas we agree to disagree in:

  • They don't believe in the Trinity - that the Holy Spirit is fully God. Father, Son and HS are same in purpose, but that's about it. How do I have a conversation with them if we don't even have common ground on who God is?
  • As of right now, they still see a need for prophets and apostles because Ephesian 4:11-14. As an evangelical Christian, what is your response to their use of this passage?
I was able to express why we have so many different translations of the Bible. To put it simply, over time, people and culture change which implies that the words of the Bible need to be "updated" to match the new language of that culture. I'm not talking about the content of the scripture, but simply the choice of words.

I think that might be all I can remember for now. I would really appreciate your feedback friends... And your prayers!


Red panties

So today I had a few meetings, the first of which was a nice breakfast with a co-working in Yorba Linda. After breakfast we meet up with the Pathways website guy to discuss future uses of our website. I personally have been working with the guy for over the last year but have never met him in person. Until today that is...

We met at my co-workers house and she introduced her cute little puppies to us. Of course, being the dog lover that I am, I lean over to pet the dogs and play a little. Before I could guess what just happened, the little dog jumped up on me and flipped my skirt up and I the website guy saw my red granny panties!!! I couldn't believe it - the first time I meet this guy and he sees too much!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Parker Casa

Our newest addition thanks to Andrea White, Deb McYum, and Shannon Drach. The girls made this while I was in Utah for Bethany's wedding. Jonny doesn't like this kind of stuff, but he still hung it for me because he knew that I loved it! Such a good trooper =)
The wooden cross was made by my grandma's brother, my great Uncle Tom. I believe he used real wood from his farm. It's dated back to 3/1/2004.
This is our first beautiful couch that Jonny and I bought from Costco, but it's not too comfy. We went to Matthes Brothers over the weekend and bought something new and we will take this one back. Let's hope the new one is nicer to sit on this this!
I love all of our books!
Jonny just hung that picture on the back of the cabinets and it looks fantastic!
Just got this rug from Costco yesterday (for $9). Not the "coolest" looking thing I've ever seen, but it's cheap and matches the kitchen. What more can you ask for?

This is for you Texas girls

I started a blog about 3 years ago and haven't updated it for the last 12 months. I can't even remember the email address of password I used to create the account, hence why we have the new and improved "BoyCo to Parker" blog.

I really don't have much to write about because I typically like to talk more, but we'll see where this blog will take us...

I send my love to Stacey and Hallie - this blog is in honor of you Texas girls!